Oregon’s Best Fishing Waters Mapbook


  • Softbound
  • lay-flat binding
  • 8 1/2 x 11 color pages
  • 179 mapsISBN: 978-1932098-38-9

This book features 179 full-color detailed maps of 33 of Oregon’s most productive fishing waters. The maps are full-color 8 1/2×11-inch detailed graphics that show access sites, boat ramps, campgrounds, roads and trails. All access sites are clearly marked with GPS coordinates. River miles, public and private land, dams, rapids and a wealth of other useful information for anglers is included. Oregon’s Best Fishing Waters is a must have for any avid fisherman, covering waters such as the Deschutes River, Willamette River, Grande Ronde, Hood River, and North Umpqua River to name a few. Public land is clearly identified in color, and every possible access or state lease is easy to find with just a glance. Everything you need to know is on these maps.

Waters covered in this book:
Alsea River
Ana River
Applegate River
Chetco River
Chewaucan River
Clackamas River
Columbia River
Coos Bay
Coquille River
Crooked River
Deschutes River
Elk River
Fall River
Grande Ronde River
Hood River
John Day River
Kilchis River
Klamath River
McKenzie River
Miami River
Molalla River
Necanicum River
Nehalem River
Nestucca River
Rogue River
Sandy River
Santiam River
Siletz River
Tillamook Bay
Trask River
Umpqua River
Willamette River
Wilson River


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